The Animal Taskforce (ATF)

The Animal Task Force (ATF) is a group of stakeholders that works for a sustainable and competitive livestock and companion animal sectors at the forefront of technological development and other innovations through the creation of an enabling environment and adoption of an integrated approach across the value chain.

This cooperative initiative is made up of European bodies concerned with knowledge and industry in animal production:

Technology Platforms; knowledge, education and dissemination organisations, and research providers.

These are the major public and private components of European livestock production which together aim to provide a positive image of the entire sector, and facilitate discussions on matters relating to future EU regulations that affect the sustainability and competitivity of the sector.

The aims of ATF are:

  • to mobilise resources from the public and private sectors for collaborative research on overarching themes in the livestock and companion animal sectors
  • to act as an enabling environment to stimulate knowledge transfer from the research base to the end users, and promote lifelong learning
  • to act as a source of expertise for industry, policy makers and European institutions
  • to raise the profile and increase the probability of the TPs achieving their objectives